Mier Wireless Transmitter with External sensor and 150 Cable
The DA-611TO-150 Remote-Sensor/Transmitter is an option that is identical to the standard DA-610TO with one exception: the DA-610TO sensor is inside the transmitter box, but the DA-611TO-150 sensor is outside and attached to the transmitter by a 50 cable.
This allows the sensor probe to be buried under or next to the driveway or area to be monitored, and the transmitter box to be hidden up to 50 away or placed high above the ground for better range. For most installations, the DA-611TO-150 sensor should be buried 6 -12 inches below ground and the cable 3 - 6 inches below ground. Mier HIGHLY RECOMMENDS burying the cable in a 1/2-inch PVC pipe to protect it.
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