Optex WNX-402G Wireless PIR Motion Sensor, 2GIG Compatible
The Optex WNX-402G is a passive infrared sensor that works with 2GIG wireless systems. It uses Quad Zone Logic technology makes it capable of telling apart humans and other sources of infrared heat like blinds, curtains, small animals and spot temperature, making it highly reliable against detecting nuisance alarms. The spherical lens of the device, allows it to maximize the performance of this feature.
It also comes with a selectable pulse count for sensitivity adjustments and an switchable LED light. The battery will last either up to 3 years with 720 events per day or up to 7 with 240 events per day.
Optex WNX-402G Wireless PIR Motion Sensor, 2GIG Compatible Specifications
- 40ft x 40ft coverage
- Passive Infrared technology
- 78 detection zones
- Form C tamper switch (micro switch)
- LED indicator, switchable On/Off
- Battery life up to 3 years (720 events per day) to 7 years (240 events per day)
- Compatible with 2GIG wireless systems
- Operating temperature: 4°F - +122°F (20°C - +50°C)
Optex WNX-402G Wireless PIR Motion Sensor, 2GIG Compatible
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